The Cognitive Abilities
Test: Fourth Edition
(CAT4) is a suit of
diagnostic assessment of
developed ability and
likely academic
CAT 4 provides a unique
profile of students’
strengths and weaknesses
four batteries . Verbal,
Non –verbal,
Quantitative and Spatial
Reasoning . Because
three of these four
batteries are not
reliant on knowledge of
the English Language ,
the test is ideal for
assessing EAL students,
the test is ideal for
assessing EAL
students.CAT4 for Grade
Verbal Reasoning Battery
– thinking with words
Quantitative (or
Numerical) Reasoning
Battery – thinking with
Non-verbal Reasoning
Battery – thinking with
Spatial Ability Battery
– thinking with shape
and space
The students have shown
an excellent result in
Quantitative part and
also in verbal battery.
Most of the students
show their performance
above the national level
in some areas. Some
students shows very high
achievement level in
both Verbal and Spatial
batteries. Such students
we are considered as
Gifted Ones. That is if
they score SAS as above
126 in both verbal and
spatial, they are gifted
As per the graph, the
weakness of our students
lies in the field of non
verbal and spatial. The
students show weakness
in this field due to
their lack of
understanding of size,
shape, relative position
and movement of two
dimensional figures in
the plane.. They are
likely to be high
achievers in subjects
that require good
visual-spatial skills
such as math, physics
and technology. Owing to
a relative weakness in
verbal skills,
attainment may be uneven
and they may need
support in subjects
where the emphasis is on
the written word. The
students those who score
less than 70 as SAS in
both verbal spatial they
are SEN.